Many artists are fascinated by rough sketches and the behind the scenes process artwork of animated films. Run by by Peter Nagy, the Living Lines Library is a site dedicated to showcasing the “living lines” of animated films, such as sketches, in-production work, pencil tests and more. With a massive catalog of animated films in the library, there is no shortage of inspiration to be found here. Excellently run and overflowing with an amazing selection of curated animation art, it’s a site worth bookmarking.
On the site, Nagy explains that “I am a huge fan of lines! Livlilly was born partly out of this, and partly out of enthusiasm for animation. For those who search for inspiration for their first work or for the advanced, wanting to see their scenes next to their colleagues, but mainly out of respect for the Greatests. – Enjoy these beautiful, living lines!”
You can visit the Living Lines Library here:
Tags: ANimated Film Art, Animated Film Art Blog, Animated Film Artworks, Animated Films, Animation Pencil Tests, Disney Artworks, Disney Films, Living Lines Library, Living Lines Sketches, Pencil Tests, Sketch Blog, Sketches